Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
since Feb 2016
- Contributing to acquisition of third party funded research projects (e.g. BMBF, HGF IVF)
- Installation of a microfluidic laboratory at IEK-6 (purchase of microscope, and other laboratory equipment) and micromodel fabrication.
- Conducting experiments for assessing dissolution and precipitation of minerals in porous media that lead to fracturing, gas generation and gas transport in porous media. These experiments help to gain process understanding of coupled processes and serve as benchmarks for improving and validating conceptual models implemented in numerical reactive transport simulation codes
- Geochemical and thermodynamic modelling of processes and phases relevant for nuclear waste disposal, e.g., glass corrosion, layered double hydroxides, and radionuclide uptake in sulphate solid solutions.
- Continuum scale reactive transport modelling of evolving porous media. Imaging techniques, e.g., Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for in situ live monitoring of chemical processes in and transport properties of porous media.
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Oct 2012 – Jan 2016
Ph.D. Thesis: Dissolution-Precipitation in Porous Media: Experiments and Modelling
- Development of 2D reactive transport experiments to evaluate implementations of coupled processes in reactive transport codes (e.g., density driven flow, precipitation and dissolution processes leading to porosity clogging and solid solution formation).
- Post experimental characterisation using synchrotron based micro-XRD and XRF.
- Modelling using OpenGeosys-GEM.
- Initiation of a benchmark exercise addressing chemical hydraulical couplings in collaboration with 5 renowned international research institutions.
Advisors: PD. Dr. Georg Kosakowski, Dr. Luc Van Loon and Dr. Urs Mäder
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), Saclay, France
2012 (5 months)
Master Thesis: Effect of organic matter produced by the radiolysis of radioactive waste on the retention properties of clay
- Batch sorption and desorption of europium on clay rocks in presence of organics (EDTA and Phtalate): experiments and modelling.
Advisor: Dr. Romain Dagnélie
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) Switzerland
2011 (5 months)
1st year of master internship report: Thermodynamic properties and redox behaviour of actinides in mixed oxide fuels (MOX) using GEM (Gibbs Energy Minimization) simulation
- Comparative study of the redox behaviour of actinides in MOX fuels when approximated either as a stoichiometric mixture of actinide oxide phases or when approximated as solid solution. Calibration of the solid-solution models with experimental data prior to the simulations.
Advisors: Dr. Claude Degueldre and Dr. Dmitrii Kulik
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay (ISMO) France
2010 (7 weeks)
3rd year of BSc internship report: Study of radio sensitizing effect of palladium nanoparticles
- Synthesis of palladium nanoparticles by radiolysis with a cobalt-60 source. Measurment of the radio sensitizing power of palladium nanoparticles on DNA followed by a comparative study with platinum nanoparticles.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sandrine Lacombe
Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay (IPN) France
2009 (5 months)
2nd year of BSc internship report: Effect of temperature on the sorption of uranyl ion upon magnetite
- Measurment of the sorption edge of uranyl ions upon magnetite at different temperatures followed by a calorimetric approach to explain the unchanged sorption phenomena observed with an increase in temperature.
Advisor: Dr. Romuald Drot
BDO De Chazal Du Mée Consulting Ltd Mauritius
2006 (8 months)
Trainee as financial auditor